Data & Facts
Zweirad-Center Radlherz GmbH
Oberaustr. 21
83026 Rosenheim / Germany
PHOENIX Professional Audio GmbH
- Amplifier: PA-4300DX Digital transformerless power amplifier with 4 x 300 / 2×600 watts of power through power sharing, 100V, 1HE, IEC 268-3
- Ceiling speakers: 12 x DEL-165-6 Ceiling and wall-mounted loudspeakers, round, powder-coated sheet steel, 6W/100V, 165 mm broadband chassis, certified according to the EN 54-24 standard for Voice alarm systems
- Wall loudspeakers: 12 x BS-165-6 ELA ceiling and wall speakers with 6W/100V, MDF housing with steel front grille
- Other audio equipment: System intercom stations SYS EVA80 Series 1 (membrane keyboard), 65Ah deep cycle lead batteries AGN Gel
- Acoustic measurement
- Leveling of the sound system