Shopping center

in Munich

PA & Audio equipment from phoenix-pa-logo

Data & Facts


Shopping center LIFE PARK & SHOP
Albert-Schweitzer-Straße 78
81735 Munich / Germany


PHOENIX Professional Audio GmbH



Public address system from phoenix-pa-logo

At LIFE PARK & SHOP shopping center in Munich / Germany a number of shops has been
equipped with a brand new monitored PA sound system (evacuation system)
by Phoenix Professional Audio:

  • Upper floor: Aldi, Rewe, Hair  Klier, Blumengeschäft Florentina
  • Basement: Alnatura, Bakery Traublinger, Bienenapotheke pharmacy, dm drugstore,
    Ernstings Family, Florida Nails, G & M Mode, die Textilpfleger, Vinzenzmurr, Vodafone

About us

With over 30 years of expertise and +3000 projects implemented worldwide, PHOENIX Professional Audio has specialized in the field of professional PA – with a particular focus on church acoustics & public address sound reinforcement. For managing director and project manager Peter M. Krziwon as well as project manager Harald Seidl, perfect speech intelligibility and music reproduction are the highest demands – especially in acoustically demanding rooms such as churches.