Tag Archive for: DSP Audio
Church fair Catholic Expo 2016 in Transylvania
At the international church trade fair Catholic Expo 2016 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Phoenix presented audio product novelties and innovative PA concepts for churches.
Visit Phoenix at the fair Catholic Expo in Romania!
Phoenix Professional Audio goes Romania! Visit us at our booth fair at Catholic Expo 2016 from 6 to 8 October 2016 at the exhibition centre Expo Transilvania in Cluj-Napoca!
Phoenix at the church fair Koinè 2015 in Vicenza
At the international church fair Koinè 2015 in Vicenza, Italy, Phoenix focused the visitors' attention entirely on the acoustic challenges of sound transmission in churches.
Sound performance in a new dimension: PV-LIVE array system
Soundstark, bassbetont oder gefühlvoll? Mit dem mobilen Lautsprechersystem PV-LIVE mit Beam-Steering bekommt jedes musikalische Event genau den richtigen Sound!
Experience sound up close: the new speaker system K4-60DSP1A
Set new standards with the DSP-controlled speaker system K4-60DSP1A by Phoenix. Perfect room equalization and powerful sound, mobile or in fix installation.